
Review of Wall Chart of Human Anatomy (Hardcover)

This book has full color illustrations of the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems, as well as the cardiovascular system.
The brain is illustrated in full color with the cerebrum, cerebellum, heart and lymphatic system depicted alongside the heart and lymphatic systems. Surprisingly, the cerebellum is nearer the tip of the spine. The work is perfect for a wide constituency of medical people and students of the human anatomy.
This work will be helpful for any science class project or illustration. The human body systems are presented in full color with the boldface detail provided. This book would be useful in explaining the various body systems and processes to patients. It is a solid value for the price you will pay.

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Product Description:
Explore the fascinating mechanics of the human body in 24 oversized charts!Features a foldout format that can be paged through like a book or opened up to its full length to show the dramatic 3-D full-body images and system charts in progression.Also includes:
- An informative introduction
- A glossary of anatomical terms
- And more!
An essential reference guide to the human body!

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