
Review of Acland's DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy, DVD 6: The Internal Organs: Disc 6 (No. 6) (DVD-ROM)

This video prosection of the human internal organs is a beautifully prepared, expertly produced aid to the study of anatomy. Having done a dissection course in anatomy, I could not and did not perform as expert a dissection as this video series does. You see cross sectional anatomy that is seldom presented in a formal anatomy lab. Your three dimensional understanding of anatomy will take shape as you watch! Bob Acland, in his soothing British accent, narrates the video and makes you feel as if you're sitting in your living room, in front of the fireplace, sipping a cup of Darjeeling tea! Dr. Acland made it a priority in his life to produce an educational tool for students of anatomy that was affordable on a student's budget. The entire series can be had for far less than most single textbooks!
The series is a pleasure to watch, and there is plenty to refresh the memory of one who has used anatomy daily for over 30 years, as I have. Congratulations, Bob, on a job well done.

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Product Description:
This DVD features the thoracic, abdominal, and reproductive organs. Each organ is shown in its natural location as well as in isolation, using a technique which enables the viewer to see organs as if they were weightlessly suspended in space, allowing a 360-degree view of the true shape of the structure without the distorting effects of gravity. Shots show the outer surface of the organs as well as cut-aways that present internal structure. DVD 6 consists of sections describing The Thoracic Organs; The Abdominal Organs; and The Reproductive System.

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