
Review of Anatomy of the Teeth Anatomical Chart (Poster)

This attractive chart highlights in color all the essential aspects a 1st year dental (and medical) student is expected to know and remember. Besides listing the various functions of the teeth, it includes anatomical pictures of a tooth (cross-section, enlarged), the cranium in childhood, and various age-related configurations of dental arrangement in the oral cavity. It has also a figure about tooth decay, and recommendations for proper tooth care.

This 20" (Wide) by 26" (High) wall chart is highly recommended for 1st year dental (and medical) students, and also for display in a dental office (and their respective waiting rooms) for explaining to patients the conditions of their teeth.

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Product Description:
Shows large detailed cross section of a tooth and surrounding gum and bone. Shows and labels primary teeth, permanent teeth, childhood dentition and oral cavity. Illustrates and describes function of the types of teeth. Shows tooth decay and innervation and blood supply. Size is 20" W by 26" H.

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